Okay, I’ll admit that is a presumptuous statement – you , the reader, being a “Riffster.”) The first issue hasn’t debuted and you have no idea what you are getting into, and if you’re even getting into it! Good grief!
That said, I am happy to say that you’ll soon be able to make this potentially tectonic shift in your life, basic sense of reality and your place in it quite soon. The final artwork is at the printer and from what we can tell, the printer knows what they’re doing.
Hopefully they have not submerged themselves into the content of the pages they are flinging off the presses as undoubtedly they’d be taken back. Well, taken back to time when high voltage rock ‘n’ roll ruled the world, headsets dominated the Saturday night’s in your parents basement while Ritchie Blackmore flamethrew (throwed?) a mighty bolt of a riff off of In Rock, Machine Head or Burn (or whatever Deep Purple or Rainbow album you may prefer). Also a time when outer space captured our imaginations a la Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers and that lactose injected Flash Gordon. Mind you there was also a Flesh Gordon nudie flick that preceded it, prematurely one might say.
And Benny Hill, and National Lampoon’s anything. A time when being young, full of life and promise, mild impulses of anarch couples with few major impulses of Ann, the girl next door.
And yeah, comic books. When people would still buy them to read them. Holy crap Batman.
So, if you love AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Ted Nugent et al (heavy m-et-al), space opera and the word “boner” thrown in for good measure (come on, we ALL measured it at one point), then give The Mighty Riff™ a chance.
Stay tuned.

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